Chemistry 145.1
Undergraduate Biochemistry Laboratory
1. To teach chemistry majors the basic techniques needed for bichemical
2. To introduce students to independent research.
I. General Laboratory Policies
1. To follow existing policies set by Chem 16 lab coordinators.
2. No labgown, no goggles, no schematic diagram = no experiment!
3. Following existing rules on tardiness and absences
II. Grading System
Formal Reports Quizzes Final Exam |
300 points
300 points 100 points 100 points |
1. Each student is expected to keep a laboratory notebook.
2. The students are required to make schematic diagram of each experiment
they will perform, know safety
(toxicity, etc) of the chemicals they will use (Note: Instructors should
guide them on proper data collection)
3. Students will be graded on their laboratory techniques, data, and answers
to guide questions.
4. The instructor is expected to give pre and post lab discussions.
Note: Every experiment, please refer to the MSDS for the re-agents
IV. Formal Reports
Each group should submit a formal report on assigned experiments (to be announced by instructor). Reports should be type-written (font size > 10 pt), double-spaced and not exceed 10 pages. Reports are to be submitted a week after completion of the experiment/s. Corresponding deductions will be given to late reports. The format of the repor is as follows:
i. Abstract: Brief summary of experiment
ii. Introduction: Objective and Theory
iii. Materials and Methods
iv. Results
v. Discussion
vi. References
V. Special Project
The class will be divided into teams of four. Each team will choose from a pool of topics ( to be given by instructors) and propose an original research/experiment that they will carry out. The teams will be given until midsemester to submit their research proposals for evaluation. The instructors must see to it thyat the research is doable (with existing resources available), relevant, and within the context of the course. The teams will be given two weeks (equivalent to four meetings) to carry out their independent experiments. The teams are required to present their independent research and write a formal report.
VI. Quizzes
To be given whenever the instructor deems necessary.
VII. Final Exam
The final exam is departmental and will cover all that has been covered
in the course . The student should at least get a passing grade (50%) to
pass the course.
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Chemistry 145.1
Human Genome Project and
Experiment No. 1
Experiment No. 2
Experiment No. 3
Experiment No. 4
Experiment No. 5
Experiment No. 6
Experiment No. 7
Experiment No. 8
Experiment No. 9
Experiment No.
Experiment No.
Experiment No.